The Role of Critical Thinking in Holding Leaders Accountable, Handling Due Accolades to Deserving Ones
By Kamen Chuks Ogbonna
The biggest problem facing our generation is the lack of critical thinking and attention to detail. Many people rely on media influencers and practitioners for information, rather than doing their own research or thinking. This is often driven by a desire for convenience and a lack of motivation to engage in critical thinking.
Media influencers, in particular, have a significant impact on public opinion. However, many of them are driven by personal biases and agenda, rather than a commitment to objective truth. Some often take advantage of people's laziness and willingness to accept information at face value, without questioning or verifying it.
The other day , I had the opportunity to interact with Governor Soludo during a project inspection tour in the state, and I was struck by his bold statements about the state's finances.
As the Governor reeled out his visions for the state including projects that are either nearing completion or are already completed and waiting for commissioning, I took away two key things from our interaction.
Firstly, he made a bold statement that Anambra was the only state in the federation that refused to participate in sharing the over ₦400 billion world bank loan that he (being a former CBN governor) felt that the terms were detrimental to our state. In other words, the other 35 states accepted the greek gift but he placed the interest of the state first.
This bold statement is certainly audacious, and worthy of deep gratitude from Ndi Anambra irrespective of political party affiliation,especially coming from a governor who is seeking second term in a third world country where our political leaders think about self preservation first before the interest of the state. He has also refused to borrow a kobo !
Once deep or critical thinking is applied to this,it hits differently.
The second key takeaway is yet another audacious decision to tackle head-on the root cause of kidnapping in the state by dismantling the sham system of fake Dibias and Ezenwanyis. The activities of this set of persons have had a devastating effect on society
These fake Dibias take advantage of social media hype to mislead the teeming youths who they give the false belief that they are invincible to bullets and other fallacies like being invisible during security scrutiny at airports while carrying hard drugs, not to talk of their popularising of the grotesque barbaric ritual tagged Okeite.
What makes Okeite and related evil pots they claim gives prosperity devoid of hard work dangerous is the fact that many of such rituals involve wasting human life for a Voodoo that never works.
The end result of these devilish activities is that our youths are falling in large numbers to hot bullets from the smoking guns of security agencies while more kept getting into the lucrative criminal business believing that they have been fortified and foolishly vowing not to make the same mistakes that the Dibias and Ezenwanyis say were responsible for the deaths of the other youths.
Let me reiterate here that this is also another first in history act, from a governor that is about to face the citizenry endorsement or otherwise at the polls in a few months time.
If you wish to know how powerful these Dibia merchants of death and societal decadence can be, just take a look at the heavily funded media war currently orchestrated against Governor Soludo's laudable act. A sacrificial action( at great personal risk),and outstanding display of political will that the entire masses, irrespective of political interest, should rise and align with the state government to ensure it succeeds. Today you get some funny narratives. One that continues to stand out is that "the governor is fighting traditional religion." A complete fallacy especially in the light of the recent Governor's pronouncement that seeks to curb the excesses of fake Christian preachers as well.
Ultimately, it behoves everyone of us to become critical thinkers and seek out accurate information, rather than relying on the misleading materials by biased media influencers with hidden interest or agenda.
By doing so, we can make more informed decisions,hold our leaders accountable for their actions and hand laurels to deserving ones
The hard fact is that Governor Chukwuma Soludo has a story to tell and the people telling that story must shelf personal egos and unnecessary banters and concentrate on telling that story so that he can be celebrated in his time.
As security is gradually returning to the state with the exodus of ndi ajo Mmadu, let the citizens continue to own the process and apply critical thinking by throwing their support in the direction that it should actually be.